real touch precise passing goal keeping total team control advanced instructions corner kick strategies authentic visuals natural player movement adaptive AI

The new feature I think will be most revolutionary is the adaptive AI. We all get annoyed by computer players messing up the game, especially since they have a tendency to be really bad and allow goals to be scored because they keep stabbing the ball on defense. Losing possession of the ball by these agents is the WORST thing that can happen. Due to the team basis of the game, the adaptive AI feature completely changes the world of soccer gaming. As a player, you want your true abilities to actually shine through which is what adaptive AI allows. If you are good, the entire team is good; if you are bad, the entire team is bad. Your skills really depend on whether you win or you lose, not on the ability of the simple agents.

I can not wait to see just how much this feature truly changes the game. The game website goes more in depth about all the new features.