Notch will be appearing live on The Late Late Show on CBS, which will air at  12:35AM this Thursday, November 7. Are congratulations and awkward hugs in order?

In case you don’t know, (or pass out long before 12 out of a gamer induced exhaustion) The Late Late Show is hosted by comedian Craig Ferguson. Word on the street he’s pretty darn good at what he does, so expect him to bring it. Persson will also be joined by actress Kat Dennings of Two Broke Girls, and Thor fame.

As of now no one really seems to know why Persson is appearing on The Late Late Show, but speculation abounds that it has something to do with the promotion of the new book being released about his life.

Minecraft: The Unlikely Tale of Markus “Notch” Persson and the Game that Changed Everything will be conveniently released tomorrow, November 5, and just in time for his TV debut no less! The book, which was penned by freelance journalists Linus Larsson and Daniel Goldberg, promises to give a look into the life of the man who created Minecraft.

You’ve come a long way Notch. If any indie developer deserves a talk show slot, might as well be the man behind one of the biggest indie titles ever right? Anyone curious enough to tune in?