Our guide will provide you with all missables list in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, including all the related chapters.

All Missable Missions List

Chapter 3 missable missions: 1-2-1: Challenge from Security. Chapter 4 missable missions: 2-1-1: Beginnings. 2-1-2: Approaching the Outskirts. 8-2-1: SPR Mako Stone. Chapter 5 missable missions: 2-1-3: Sightings in Sector 6. 2-1-4: Defend the Slums. 7-1-1: Freight Recall. Chapter 6 missable missions: 2-1-5: Highway Closed. 2-1-6: Truth in the Wasteland. 4-3-1: Defeat the Scout Units. 4-3-2: Obliterate Advance Elements. 4-3-3: Foes in the Wutai Base. 4-3-4: Mobile Units. 4-3-5: The Enemy’s Stronghold. 4-3-6: Stop the Assailants. 6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1.

All Missable Events List

Soldier Fan Club (Chapter 2). A Good Match for Aerith (Chapter 4). Find the Wutai Spies (Chapter 5). Flower Wagon (Chapter 5). Seven Wonders of Nibelheim (Chapter 9).

All Missable Mini Games List

Materia Pick-Up (Chapter 4). Perfume Blending (Chapter 4). Number Guessing Game (Chapter 4). Squats (Chapter 5). A Cascade of Treasure (Chapter 9).

All Missable Items List

Chapter 3 missable items: Remedy. X-Potion. Shinra Alpha. Chapter 4 missable items: Remedy. Poison Materia. Potion. Soma. Fire Armlet. Spirit Mako Stone. Chapter 5 missable items: Chocobo Armlet. Soma. Phoenix Down. Flame Ring. Ether. X-Potion. Headband. Chapter 6 missable items: Mystile. Spirit Up Materia. Drain Materia. Four Slots. Ice Ring. Champion Belt. X-Potion. Poison Twister Materia. Remedy. Feather Cap. System Shock. Thunder Materia. Ether. Power Wrist. Diamond Bracelet. Hi-Potion. Phoenix Down. Death Materia. The Happy Turtle. Elixir. Mountain Chocobo Armlet. White Cape. Fat Chocobo. 2 Feathers. Sector 8 Materia Shop. Chapter 8 missable items: The Happy Turtle (Shop Access). Chapter 9 missable items: Phoenix (DMW Summon Materia). Genji Armor (Accessory). Chapter 10 missable items: Research Dept. QMC+ (Shop Access).

All Missable Zack’s Mail

Players will receive a number of letters from Zack Fan Club, but the last three letters cannot be chosen all at once, and players must choose either one of them, and the rest will be lost permanently.

Here are all three possible choices:

Hero News: All Things Must Pass. Hero News: Sad News. Hero News: Notice.

All Missable Trophies and Achievements

Chapter 1 missable trophies and achievements: Hero of the Wutai War? Chapter 2 missable trophies and achievements: Master Mako Stone Miner. Banora Treasures. Slicin’ SOLDIER. Chapter 3 missable trophies and achievements: First-Rate SOLDIER. Everyone’s Hero.  Chapter 4 missable trophies and achievements: Good Match For Aerith. Godlike. Master Blender. Bingo! Precise Restoration. Of Significant Worth. Cell Raider. Chapter 5 missable trophies and achievements: Shinra’s Squats Champion. Wutai’s Nemesis. Master Infiltrator. Chapter 6 missable trophies and achievements: Immovable Object. Chapter 7 missable trophies and achievements: Fan Club Savior. Chapter 8 missable trophies and achievements: Seven Wonders Expert. Chapter 9 missable trophies and achievements: Zack the Sniper. Waterfall Chaser. Chapter 10 missable trophies and achievements: Cage Opener.

Those are all missables list in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, and stay tuned for more related Crisis Core Reunion guides.