54-year-old Kevin Portage transformed into a web sensation on TikTok after a video of him getting a pack stacked up with a single film ticket, a Starbucks cup, a couple of Live Savers, a sack of Reese’s Pieces, and two or three distinct things for his work celebration detonated.


He had been working for the association for a significant timeframe as a cook and representative without returning home for the day him.

Online amusement clients were shocked at the lamentable treatment from the association for his extensive stretches of organization. His young lady, finally, made a GoFundMe page to help with making his recognition to some degree more exceptional.

“He at first began working at this specific work as a solitary parent when he gain care of me and my more prepared sister a long time back.

Then, at that point, as our family created and he remarried, he continue [sic] to work here because of the surprising clinical service that was given through this business since it was unionized,” Seryna made on the fundraiser’s page. “Which helped every one of the four of his young ladies through optional endlessly school with full clinical consideration.”

“My dad continues to work here, in light of the fact that anyway he looks young, he is coming up on retirement age and leaving would cost him his retirement,” she added.

— transsexual idiot savant 🧷️ (@marcie_toons) October 23, 2022

“Not a tiny smidgen are we mentioning cash or is he expecting any money yet accepting anyone needs to lean toward him he was unable to need anything over to visit his grandchildren.”